Friday, January 9, 2015

Stress Buster and Get In Shape

This is a Blog about daily struggles and problems. Yesterday was about relationships & today is getting in shape. Now this could have a broad classification as there are many ways to do it. Gym memberships are always up as the new year begins. There are many good sources that are available in most gym's such as classes, training, coaching, and support from many people. Problem comes in schedule with a busy life, commute time, for some it is the added expense. Soon you excitement begins to fade as time goes on as figures show many just can't stick to it for one reason or the other. Running or cycling are listed together as they are both high impact, high energy exercises. Despite the fact of knee and hip problems associated with running there are greater numbers of people running and it seems there is continued excitement in this form of exercise. As you get older the distance you go begins to fade and stress on the body increases.
Exercise classes have a wide variety of options, interests, and participating groups. Zumba has had a strong support as is high energy, and excitement as it is made fun while participating. Pilates and yoga offer many great forms and places to perform but which is best for the individual, only you can decide. Taebo is a way that many have joined to follow at home. Over time and interest's change they have adapted with new products. The problem is that at home there is no one to motivate you or share the experience. With strains and exhaustion entering into the matrix, the joy of exercise fades. In this blog I have searched to find something that would test people at any age, any physical condition that you can do without any equipment, that can be done anywhere at any time. This is not an endorsement or sales pitch, as it is one solution that seems to stretch across the board to fit the most areas of need's listed for exercise. Now walking is in my opinion the best, but due to weather, safety, problems finding a proper place there are situations that cause me concern in walking for all people. In all considerations Tai-Chi is something that can be done from ages 3 to 93 as it works with your body. It is as simple or complex as you make it. It is low impact and as far as participants is probably the most performed daily exercise in the world wide format. Flexibility, balance and core strength are built through this form of exercise and as you age these are the 3 areas you will first see decline in the aging process. There are many styles, form and traditions so I listed at the top a recommendation for most of us in America. Go to and check out this! This is an on going study and I value your opinion and input so please get back with me and state your choice of exercise and why! God Bless & Have a Great Day

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