Thursday, January 8, 2015

10 Ways To Destroy A Relationship

Here are 10 things you need to know for a healthy relationship: 1)Stay Away From Negative People- Some people's presence just take you down. People who drain your energy with their negativity and small view of the world. Life is too short to let people keep putting you down! 2)Stop Putting Yourself Last. We all should care about others, but sometimes We need somethings too. You are a person and deserve Love, Respect & Consideration. Sometimes you deserve a break, a rest. Its ok to think of others, but also take care of yourself as no one else may do it! 3)Stop Lying To Yourself! We all do it in one sense or the other. Be honest, especially when reflecting on you, your personal life, your career or economic situation. No right answers can be found in the sea of dishonesty, especially when dealing with self! 4)Stop Punishing Yourself- Many times we get beat up for mistakes we make. The biggest bully is ourselves! We are who we are by the choices we make. We can't change the past, it is done, so let it go! We can learn from it and change situations so we won't repeat it. The only thing we can do anything about is the NOW! Make it the day you can be at peace in and know you have done your best in the moment! 5)Stop Seeking Happiness In Other People In Your Life! They have no real interest in you when it will lessen their life! Even if they want to they can not make your life good as they will do things that will take you down because they are human! 6)Stop getting in a relationship for the wrong reason- Don't fall in love with someone because you are in love with Love! So many times someone rushes into a relationship seeking that fairy tale romance. True love is built over time, lust is built in the heat of the moment. That which comes swiftly will die swiftly. Take time to build a relationship and see if love blossoms or whithers. 7)Stop using negative thoughts or actions.- We rush to believe something will never work and we sow the seeds of failure. If it deserves and action it deserves faith and the opportunity to succeed! Just because the last relationship failed does not mean everyone after that will. If you want a relationship, then give it an honest chance to succeed or don't try as you both will feel miserable in the end. 8)Stop Being A Hater!- Negativity breeds negativity. When you get upset or angry, the only person truly effected is you. The sad thing about hatred is that it will grow in size and severity causing you to become worse and worse in your heart and attitude robbing you of ever having a true chance at a life of true love and happiness! 9)Unload The Grudges- Wanting to get even only robs you. You can not move forward while dragging a Titanic of grudges behind you! 10)Stop Trying To Be All Things To All People! You can't save the World so don't try. Change what you can, accept what you can't change and seek the understanding of knowing the difference! Go to

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