Monday, January 5, 2015

Lonely, Good or Bad?

Loneliness is something all of us experience at some point in our life. How we handle it and deal with it is what defines us and our problems or solutions. You can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely. Lets first look at the problem side as for many people, this is where their focus goes and many times stay. Who is feeling lonely? Though it might seem a mute question we need to first focus on our reaction to a situation that is actually out of our control. Life brings situations to us that we did not choose or our choices have brought us to this point, so the who is you. What is the negatives in this feeling of loneliness. Loneliness can lead to depression, anxiety, lethargic lifestyle, choices of further withdrawls leading to more loneliness, and even thoughts of suicide if loneliness is left unchecked. Where are we in the feelings of loneliness? Are we truly alone? Are we with people who don't seem to care? We need to find the point where loneliness is the greatest, so we can have a place to begin healing. When did this loneliness come on? Was it during the holidays? A Death or ending of a relationship? Was there an economic cause as termination, lay-off, or unexpected emergency as there can be a whole list of triggers. Why are you really feeling this way? It could be something deep down that appears to not have anything to do with you being lonely. It could be something that is suppressed deep inside you for years that is now coming up for you to have to deal with it. Once you have come to a basic belief or theory on why you are feeling this way it is time to address it. Is this something you can do alone, share with close friend or loved one, seek a mentor or coach to help, or maybe you need a licensed therapist and medication. If you feel you need a coach or mentor I am available, you can go to and get information and get a free no cost session. If you would prefer to help yourself then there is a program available at and you can get self help there. On the positive side this is a time in which you can refocus your priorities! What is it that you would like to do to change your life. Learn more about yourself, your likes and dislikes. Decide on the kind of people you choose to be around. Maybe a career change or new hobby. Maybe a new home in a new neighborhood. The boundaries are limitless in this time of change as you can create a new and better life. So you are lonely, your are not alone and this is not new. How you deal with it and what is the outcome will define the life you will live!

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