Friday, January 2, 2015

Fresh Starts

Here we are starting a brand new year with 2014 now behind us. Before you rush to bury and forget 2014 as it is now behind you, I would encourage you to take the time to look back and summarize 2014 with a series of questions. In retrospect would you classify 2014 as a good year or a bad? This is a general view of the situation and if it was good would you like to have another year like it. If so, what things did you do last year to make it a good year. Simple enough but by duplicating many of the same things increases the odds of having a similar year. If it was a good year but you would like 2015 to be better then what areas would you like to see positive changes? Make a list of categories you would like to see change. First develop the categories, don't come up with plans or solutions just general idea's. This is a brainstorming session and while the thoughts are flowing stay focused on the area's that need change. Give each of them a number so we can categorize them once you have a list of changes. Now list these on paper with space to write under each item. Now prioritize these in order with the biggest need for improvement at number one and work down in order. It best to choose 5 area's to work on as if their is too many areas you are less likely to implement change. Now that you have your biggest item as number 1 you can get focused on changing this area of your life! Make sure this is something you can change by action or thought since you can not change or improve someone else. You can't fix them so don't try! You can only change you and the key is for us to be realistic about ourselves and helping ourselves. Once we have an area to focus on and we have set it to be real and changeable we need to begin to set some steps or patterns to begin to change. If it is stress then how do we remove some of the stress? How do we get to an ideal weight that is healthy and good for our own self-esteem (Loosing weight for someone else is not helping you it is forcing you to meet someone else's thoughts or expectations, which never works out in a positive manor). What can we do to become healthier in 2015? Stop procrastination, which is where I struggle? These are some examples of do-able changes and there are many more. Now lets use weight loss as an example. Many will set an ideal weight they want and expect to get there rapidly. It took a long period of time with bad choices to get you where you are and it will take many long steps to get you to the goal you want to reach. Let's say you want to loose 100 lbs which I chose for simple calculations. In order to maintain over all health and strength it has to be done slowly. You should seek the advice and council of your medical specialist before beginning any diet or exercise routine as there maybe hidden dangers to you that might need to be considered and only a medical professional can guide you in this. A realistic, healthy, and doable goal is 2 pounds per month. At 2 pounds per month, it will take you quite some time but your health will not only maintain but improve, your self-image will improve, the treatment you get from others will improve so it is a win/win choice. Once you have chosen an area to work on, changes have to be made. In weight loss you can't keep eating the same foods at the same capacity and expect change. Smaller amounts, healthier choices, limitations on certain foods high in sugars and calories, less fried foods will not only help loose wight but cut back on cholesterol for another health benefit! Diet alone will not help, it will only set you up or failure, as it happens time and time again. Now it is time to increase activity to increase the matabolism in your body, it not only helps increase the food process it also improves heart function & greater energy to do more and experience more. t the end of 20015 you will weigh less, be healthier, look better and feel better so this has many great benefits and increasing the odds you will feel better at the end of the year. It is better to reward yourself from time to time by going off diet for a meal once in a while. It will re-energize your enthusiasm, it will also trick your metabolism. You can use these basic steps to work in other area's of your life and expect change. What if your goal was to loose 24 lbs for the year and you only lost 10. It was a success because you made a change for a better you. Continued In Next Installment!

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