Monday, January 26, 2015

How To Act When You Meet Your Ex

How to Deal with Seeing Your Ex Unexpectedly You got the wind knocked out of your sails with the breakup. You had a few rough days, weeks, maybe even months. But, you finally started getting back out there in the real world. You're hitting the town with your friends. You're working out at the gym. And you're trying like mad to at least look like you're getting on with your life - no matter how much you want her back. You're doing good. You're looking good. Girls are starting to smile and flirt with you. You're Superman. Then BAM! Out of the blue, she walks into the room and it feels like you've been hit in the gut with a kryptonite fist.
Your mouth gets dry. Your palms get sweaty. Your tongue suddenly feels like it weighs a thousand pounds and you're caught between a sudden overwhelming urge to flee and a simultaneous but equally powerful urge to beg her to take you back. What do you do? You say something about how it's great to see her and make a hasty retreat. It's only after you're out of her presence that you begin to think of all the things you could have, should have, or would have said if you'd been able to think clearly at the time. Then you engage in a fantasy replay of how things would have shaken out if you'd just been able to speak. But, wouldn't it be nice if you could think of these things ahead of time and have a good idea of what to say to her when the moment arrives? Believe me it would! Especially if you're interested in getting her back. Stop getting sucker punched by her presence. Take back the power and let her see you in a new light. You can control the conversation and how it plays out as long as you plan ahead for when that moment comes. I'm not talking about arranging an "accidental" meeting. That's not the right idea in this situation. But, you do want to have a plan for what you'll say to her when your paths do cross so that you don't look like you're either avoiding her, running away from her, or angry with her for the breakup. Time heals a lot of old wounds. You might be surprised to discover that she's probably just as nervous about the encounter as you are - even though she's the one who broke up with you. So what should you say? 1) Keep it short. 2) Keep it light. 3) Avoid bringing up the past - leave that to her. Keep these things in mind. Write a script for yourself. Memorize the script. Practice it in the mirror. Do whatever you have to do so that it's second nature and the next time your paths cross you'll be ready. Will give you all the information you need in dealing with relationships. Get it and keep from making mistakes as we have all been desperate for someone at one time or another!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Are You Suffering From Depression

Are You Suffering From Depression? Depression affects more of us than most people ever realize. This is the peak season for it as many call it the winter blues. It is nothing to be ashamed of. It affects almost all of us at one time or another. Most snap out of it rather quickly and go on with our lives. For some, once it comes on never get out of it. . This is an article that I think you will find of great importance to help if you are battling depreesion. It affects our sleep, our appetite, our energy levels, and our ability to interact with other people. If you think you are suffering depression, seek a medical professional for help. While it is not deadly on onset, over time it will shorten your life span by taking a toll on your health in many ways. Loss of appetite causes one to enter into improper dieting which controls the body in many way's. Physical exhaustion enters in even though you and those around you think you are sleeping more than you should. The sleep never enters into the rem state. This is where the body restores itself mentally and physically. If the mind and body can not heal itself the degeneration begins to enter into the equation of you and your daily life. Unclear mindset is another side effect. You never think clearly, digest mental input properly, and short and long term memory becomes affected. You can't remember menial tasks such as why you entered into a room. Most all of us can think to mild episodes we have experienced but to the depressed person this becomes overwhelming. They go around as if there is a huge weight on them. They have no energy or drive. No interest in previous hobbies, passions, or routines. One change that seems to go unexplained is the sudden body clock waking the day is a struggle to get through. The next body adjustment seems to happen around 2:00 pm as there is a chemical release that begins to reverse some of the effects. People who suffer depression many times will try to sleep until the afternoon to avoid some of the fear and anxiety. Left unchecked it can lead to many other diseases and medical problems! While these are not definite actual times for most, they are guidelines. Some don't function well until late afternoon or evening. Others are better to get up early and nap when they get too exhausted. If you suspect you are suffering in depression then please go get help now. If treated it can be controlled and your life can return to normal. Left untreated and undiagnosed will lead to further decline in your health, your lifestyle, and the quality of life with others. Depression is a medical condition, not a choice!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Negative Input

A relationship that has 10 or more negative comments per day from 1 spouse is 5 times more likely to fail. Think about that, That is a little more than 1 complaint every 2 hours. There are some relationships that have 10 per hour and we wonder why there are so many divorces? Why are there so many negative comments? What is the reason behind all of these negatives? Can a person change or do they want to change? Let's see some of causes, but due to size restraints and time this is only a brief overview. A relationship is a contractual agreement between 2 parties mostly by the act of committing to one another. When ever someone has failed in their part of the relationship a vast array of emotions begin to arise. Some of those are anger, pain, heartache, jealousy, rage, revenge and a host of others emotions. Some people begin to sift through these feelings and many are subdued and forgotten. For others the battle has just begun as they find certain feelings and latch on to them. They are not forgotten and erased. Some will put these on the shelf of their mind to bring out and use at a later time, while others go into immediate attack mode. They are hurt and feeling belittled and now want to lash out. Sometimes people feel better by putting down or inflicting pain on those around them. Some times we feel bigger and stronger when we put others down that are around us. The need for dominance and control are factors that are within us as we need the feeling of being in control. What ever the driving force behind these reactions it is an attempt to cover, hide, or repair damaging conflicts within us. There is a fine line between love and hate when dealing with those who are close to us. Early on in a relationship we are very understanding and forgiving to those we are committing to. Somewhere along the journey, we change our standards and expectations. Now the rules of engagement have changed and our partners are not aware of this and many times neither are we. We feel we are totally normal and wonder how could someone change so much? In reality 50% of the change exhibited in the relationship is in our thoughts, feelings, and expectations. Soon it appears that either that person changes or else. We make it a project to change what is considered unacceptable and this is brought on by our negative thoughts, deeds, actions, and verbal assault. This is like trying to kill a fly with a hammer, you may get the task completed but how much damage is inflicted in the process? Once the verbal assault has been engaged the partner will address that in two ways. The first will be internal, how does it make them feel and how do they perceive you. The second area is external, in which, how do they react towards you. Is it conflict or withdraw? 9 negatives or less a day and the relationship can overcome but 10 or above seems to be a line that changes relationships. It is something that happens in a relationship without us knowing don't understand why. We know things have changed but we only see our partners fault in this situation. We need to seek the fault in both parties and communication must be engaged immediately. There is no true single fault here as both parties are guilty by either engagement or lack of engagement. Unless change is implemented, the end result will be the death of the relationship. It may last due to commitment, but the joy and life of the relationship will be dead. is where my main blog is and you can learn much more there. To get information to help you go to htt:// and start receiving tips and advice to help you in your relationship success!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Man's Game

Football, a man's game in which a group of men gather on a field to relish in a testosterone moment to exhibit their physical attributes. We the fans, love to share and bond with those on the field. It might be as a pure fan or it may be the chance to relish our glory days of you as we live out our fantasy with those on the field. Sometimes, all the statistics and talent control the outcome and other times the underdog rises up and defeat's their foe by sheer determination and heart. It is game that is learned and played in our youth. You can go by home's, playgrounds, fields and see many a youth gathered in a game or practicing with a ball to increase their skills. It is a big deal in many a school, with some it is everything. How many Friday nights in high schools across America do people gather together to play, witness, and be a part of this fall activity. How many a man sits in the stands watching proudly as their son takes part in this activity. Thinking that their progeny lives on through their child on the field. They want to believe a part of them lives on through the son. Through the eye's of the fellow student, those who excel in the exploits on the field rise to stardom status among the student body. It can become a way of the future as some will secure their future education. Despite the risk's of injury, despite the risk of failure and despite the risk of rejection, it is the pursuit of this dream that drives them on. Few excel enough to move on to the next level. Those who do experience even greater expectations but also greater rewards in the college level. Dreams appear to be one step closer to being in the big time, the NFL. Though this is a subject of itself, my focus is to be on the fan. While high school support is basically based on geographical decisions of where you live or where you grew up, at the college level it begins to change. Why people choose certain college's over another one is a choice with little rhyme or reason. Tradition of winning is a choice of many, the school mascot, family attendance, family loyalty. Sometimes rebellion and disrespect will cause rivalry as gives a chance for rooting against another's choice. There are as many choices of why we watch as there are players on the field. How many holidays are celebrated with friends and family gathered around the tv? Many will flock to a venue such as a local bar or pub to be part of the larger gathering of fellow minded and opposing minded people to relish the excitement of being a part of something if only in mind and spirit. Then there is the loyal fan who braves the elements to be there. No matter how pleasant or adverse the conditions you see them in the stands. The one who amuses me is the one who will go shirtless in -20 degree temperatures with snow and ice adorning him in his spectacle. While toughness and testosterone may abound, common sense just stampeded off in the other direction. Tailgating has become as big an event at the college and professional level as many gather early or stay late as a chance to bond and celebrate as unity in the sport. How many fans were let down on Sunday, such as the Cowboy's fans who were robbed of their glory by a review of a play causing a change of the decision. The Bronco's were favored by the facts. They were led by their beloved Peyton Manning. Many a Colt's fan even felt a sense of loyalty to rooting for Peyton after the Colts had let him go due to age and history of injuries. Despite the facts, Andrew Luck and the Colts came out and played the game they wanted, against all the expert opinions not to, and came away with an exciting win. Many are up today as they rejoice while others are down by the agony of defeat. Most of us had no part in the win or the loss yet it will affect us this week for those who participated on or off the field by the emotional responses to the outcome of this game. Many a woman also enjoys watching also and I am not meaning to belittle their experience as many are very devout fans, but I can relate to men and in this age where it is not always good to be a man, I say let men be men on the field and in life!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Stress Buster and Get In Shape

This is a Blog about daily struggles and problems. Yesterday was about relationships & today is getting in shape. Now this could have a broad classification as there are many ways to do it. Gym memberships are always up as the new year begins. There are many good sources that are available in most gym's such as classes, training, coaching, and support from many people. Problem comes in schedule with a busy life, commute time, for some it is the added expense. Soon you excitement begins to fade as time goes on as figures show many just can't stick to it for one reason or the other. Running or cycling are listed together as they are both high impact, high energy exercises. Despite the fact of knee and hip problems associated with running there are greater numbers of people running and it seems there is continued excitement in this form of exercise. As you get older the distance you go begins to fade and stress on the body increases.
Exercise classes have a wide variety of options, interests, and participating groups. Zumba has had a strong support as is high energy, and excitement as it is made fun while participating. Pilates and yoga offer many great forms and places to perform but which is best for the individual, only you can decide. Taebo is a way that many have joined to follow at home. Over time and interest's change they have adapted with new products. The problem is that at home there is no one to motivate you or share the experience. With strains and exhaustion entering into the matrix, the joy of exercise fades. In this blog I have searched to find something that would test people at any age, any physical condition that you can do without any equipment, that can be done anywhere at any time. This is not an endorsement or sales pitch, as it is one solution that seems to stretch across the board to fit the most areas of need's listed for exercise. Now walking is in my opinion the best, but due to weather, safety, problems finding a proper place there are situations that cause me concern in walking for all people. In all considerations Tai-Chi is something that can be done from ages 3 to 93 as it works with your body. It is as simple or complex as you make it. It is low impact and as far as participants is probably the most performed daily exercise in the world wide format. Flexibility, balance and core strength are built through this form of exercise and as you age these are the 3 areas you will first see decline in the aging process. There are many styles, form and traditions so I listed at the top a recommendation for most of us in America. Go to and check out this! This is an on going study and I value your opinion and input so please get back with me and state your choice of exercise and why! God Bless & Have a Great Day

Thursday, January 8, 2015

10 Ways To Destroy A Relationship

Here are 10 things you need to know for a healthy relationship: 1)Stay Away From Negative People- Some people's presence just take you down. People who drain your energy with their negativity and small view of the world. Life is too short to let people keep putting you down! 2)Stop Putting Yourself Last. We all should care about others, but sometimes We need somethings too. You are a person and deserve Love, Respect & Consideration. Sometimes you deserve a break, a rest. Its ok to think of others, but also take care of yourself as no one else may do it! 3)Stop Lying To Yourself! We all do it in one sense or the other. Be honest, especially when reflecting on you, your personal life, your career or economic situation. No right answers can be found in the sea of dishonesty, especially when dealing with self! 4)Stop Punishing Yourself- Many times we get beat up for mistakes we make. The biggest bully is ourselves! We are who we are by the choices we make. We can't change the past, it is done, so let it go! We can learn from it and change situations so we won't repeat it. The only thing we can do anything about is the NOW! Make it the day you can be at peace in and know you have done your best in the moment! 5)Stop Seeking Happiness In Other People In Your Life! They have no real interest in you when it will lessen their life! Even if they want to they can not make your life good as they will do things that will take you down because they are human! 6)Stop getting in a relationship for the wrong reason- Don't fall in love with someone because you are in love with Love! So many times someone rushes into a relationship seeking that fairy tale romance. True love is built over time, lust is built in the heat of the moment. That which comes swiftly will die swiftly. Take time to build a relationship and see if love blossoms or whithers. 7)Stop using negative thoughts or actions.- We rush to believe something will never work and we sow the seeds of failure. If it deserves and action it deserves faith and the opportunity to succeed! Just because the last relationship failed does not mean everyone after that will. If you want a relationship, then give it an honest chance to succeed or don't try as you both will feel miserable in the end. 8)Stop Being A Hater!- Negativity breeds negativity. When you get upset or angry, the only person truly effected is you. The sad thing about hatred is that it will grow in size and severity causing you to become worse and worse in your heart and attitude robbing you of ever having a true chance at a life of true love and happiness! 9)Unload The Grudges- Wanting to get even only robs you. You can not move forward while dragging a Titanic of grudges behind you! 10)Stop Trying To Be All Things To All People! You can't save the World so don't try. Change what you can, accept what you can't change and seek the understanding of knowing the difference! Go to

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Selling Yourself On Success

12 Rules to Increase Your Productivity Does your productivity ever get hampered by your desire to find the best possible solution? As you seek the easiest or fastest route to your goal, you may find yourself stopped entirely. Sometimes you may even do this on purpose, to keep from having to make a decision. However, there's a work-around. Maybe you've heard of the term, "heuristic." Heuristics are rules that allow a solution to be found more quickly. With a heuristic, a resolution can be found even when the entire path isn't clear from the onset. For example, if there were no roads, but you lived in New York and wanted to make your way to California, a heuristic might be: 1. Walk west as far as you can. 2. Walk around any obstacle, if possible. 3. If faced with a mountain range, walk toward the space between 2 small peaks. 4. Repeat until reaching California. Does this heuristic give you the most efficient solution? No; however, it will get you where you want to go, and you won't waste a lot of time trying to make up your mind. Try these behavioral heuristics to increase your productivity: 1. Choose the right time. Nearly everyone has times of the day when they are most effective and times when they tend to drag. It's smart to schedule the most critical tasks for your most effective time of the day. 2. Toss it. If a task doesn't really need to be done, just get rid of it altogether. 3. Get the bad stuff out of the way. Do the unpleasant items quickly and as early in the day as possible. 4. Set a goal each day (or night). In the morning, decide what you want to accomplish that day. This can be even more effective when planned the night before. Once you have a sense of direction, you can spend all your time getting things done! 5. Eliminate all communication. While you're working, turn off the phone / cell phone, and don't check your email. Hang a sign that says, "Do not disturb," if necessary. You don't have to do this for all your tasks, but at least do it during the more difficult items. 6. Batch similar tasks together. Do all your emailing at one time. Make all your phone calls at another. Open your snail mail during a set block of time. You'll waste less time by doing your work in this fashion. 7. Set a timer. Even if a task might take hours, starting will seem easier if you simply give yourself 30 minutes to get as much done as you can. A time limit seems to help many people concentrate and work better, too. 8. Set targets. For example, if you have to make cold-calls for your sales job, tell yourself that you're not getting up for any reason until you've made at least 100 calls. Regardless of what happens, refuse to stop until you hit your target. 9. Use the Pareto Principle. This principle states that 20% of the actions you could take will provide you with 80% of the benefits. So focus on the tasks that will accomplish the most. Unfortunately, these are frequently the tasks that are not enjoyable. You might be surprised how little you really have to do if you focus on the critical 20%. 10. Delegate some of your work. Is there anyone else who can help you? The people around you are resources. When appropriate, use their time and talents wisely to get things done more quickly. 11. Set a deadline. Having a specific endpoint will really help to focus your time and energy. If a task doesn't feel necessary, chances are that it won't get done. 12. Increase your speed. It sounds silly, but this can really help. Try doing everything a little faster. Walk faster, talk faster, type faster, and read faster. Implement these heuristics into your life and you'll find yourself getting more done in less time. The ultimate secret is to stay on task and not waste any time. These rules will help you do just that. Want info to help? Go to

Monday, January 5, 2015

Lonely, Good or Bad?

Loneliness is something all of us experience at some point in our life. How we handle it and deal with it is what defines us and our problems or solutions. You can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely. Lets first look at the problem side as for many people, this is where their focus goes and many times stay. Who is feeling lonely? Though it might seem a mute question we need to first focus on our reaction to a situation that is actually out of our control. Life brings situations to us that we did not choose or our choices have brought us to this point, so the who is you. What is the negatives in this feeling of loneliness. Loneliness can lead to depression, anxiety, lethargic lifestyle, choices of further withdrawls leading to more loneliness, and even thoughts of suicide if loneliness is left unchecked. Where are we in the feelings of loneliness? Are we truly alone? Are we with people who don't seem to care? We need to find the point where loneliness is the greatest, so we can have a place to begin healing. When did this loneliness come on? Was it during the holidays? A Death or ending of a relationship? Was there an economic cause as termination, lay-off, or unexpected emergency as there can be a whole list of triggers. Why are you really feeling this way? It could be something deep down that appears to not have anything to do with you being lonely. It could be something that is suppressed deep inside you for years that is now coming up for you to have to deal with it. Once you have come to a basic belief or theory on why you are feeling this way it is time to address it. Is this something you can do alone, share with close friend or loved one, seek a mentor or coach to help, or maybe you need a licensed therapist and medication. If you feel you need a coach or mentor I am available, you can go to and get information and get a free no cost session. If you would prefer to help yourself then there is a program available at and you can get self help there. On the positive side this is a time in which you can refocus your priorities! What is it that you would like to do to change your life. Learn more about yourself, your likes and dislikes. Decide on the kind of people you choose to be around. Maybe a career change or new hobby. Maybe a new home in a new neighborhood. The boundaries are limitless in this time of change as you can create a new and better life. So you are lonely, your are not alone and this is not new. How you deal with it and what is the outcome will define the life you will live!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Fresh Start II

This is part 2 of Fresh Starts for 2015 and as we look back we were using weight loss as a model for to analyze, plan, and implement steps to make changes in your life. Weight loss was used as one area of change as many people start January off as a month to loose weight. This is due to the guilt of binge eating for the holidays and the weight put on from the beginning of Thanksgiving to the close of New Years and all parties and get together's in between. Financial changes are another area of interest and for many it is of necessity. 1) Is your current job meeting your needs to live daily? Come up with an amount that will pay your bills, set aside some savings for emergencies, vacation fund, and retirement in addition to your normal day to day expenses. 2) Now that you have come up with a monetary amount is your current job or career meeting your needs? If the answer is no, as with most people you need to decide whether you need to seek a promotion in your current job, a new job in the career you are presently employed, or thirdly a change in careers. In the first and last set of choices listed one big factor is your skills level. Do you need more education and certification in order to be able to re-market yourself to the job market or employer. To further your education use to have several hurdles to overcome that have been eliminated or reduced. If you are considering a career change you need to do some study. Let's look at a career change as an example. Let's say you work in the food industry as a cook in a burger restaurant. No future, limited income or advancement. First thing to look for is what are your hobbies or interest's? Maybe you have an interest in the medical field and you enjoy helping people. Begin to look up jobs available within the medical field to get an idea if your needs we had gathered were able to be met within the medical industry. After some study you decide for example that a billing and coding tech is something that sparks some interest. Coming from cook to clerk is a stretch and the skills needed are lacking. Now it seems you will need some training to be be considered as a candidate for a job in this field. With computers and the internet the methods of training are almost limitless. Some college's offer classes at certain locations while some universities offer partial studies by computer or all training can be done online. There are many universities as well as many prices along with financial aid. The point in all this is you don't have to leave your current job, interrupt your current home situation, or make major sacrifices in order to increase your skills and knowledge. Once you complete the training you can market yourself and move towards the life you want and not the one you have. The two examples of weight loss and career change have been given in order for you to see that none of us are stuck in society and have to accept where we are at. We can look where we are and then set forth a plan to begin to change the life we current are living. Many times it helps to get the advice of a mentor, friend, loved one, or life coach to help us see the total picture and help us move forward in our journey. Fresh eye's bring fresh visions. Answers don't always come quickly, as sometimes it takes time, discussion, fact gathering, self assessment and reflection in order to come up with the right answer to make change. I offer the services of a life coach/counselor to help people with their problems. As a coach/counselor I assist you in seeking answers to the questions that arise in making change. It's not a quick fix solution as we work together. By asking questions and offering a different perspective to the situation at hand we will set forth the steps needed to help you make the steps for change. is the site that I currently use to work with clients. The first session is absolutely free and will help to decide if this is of interest to you. This is only an offer of one way in which you can get help in the situation you are in. There are many people and many ways to get help but I would encourage you to get someone to help you look at the overall situation you are in. When we look only by ourselves we can not see all of the situation as we are biased and limited in our view of things. Just remember that you don't have to accept things as that is just the way it is, change it as you deserve it! Looking to make money go to and take advantage of this!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Fresh Starts

Here we are starting a brand new year with 2014 now behind us. Before you rush to bury and forget 2014 as it is now behind you, I would encourage you to take the time to look back and summarize 2014 with a series of questions. In retrospect would you classify 2014 as a good year or a bad? This is a general view of the situation and if it was good would you like to have another year like it. If so, what things did you do last year to make it a good year. Simple enough but by duplicating many of the same things increases the odds of having a similar year. If it was a good year but you would like 2015 to be better then what areas would you like to see positive changes? Make a list of categories you would like to see change. First develop the categories, don't come up with plans or solutions just general idea's. This is a brainstorming session and while the thoughts are flowing stay focused on the area's that need change. Give each of them a number so we can categorize them once you have a list of changes. Now list these on paper with space to write under each item. Now prioritize these in order with the biggest need for improvement at number one and work down in order. It best to choose 5 area's to work on as if their is too many areas you are less likely to implement change. Now that you have your biggest item as number 1 you can get focused on changing this area of your life! Make sure this is something you can change by action or thought since you can not change or improve someone else. You can't fix them so don't try! You can only change you and the key is for us to be realistic about ourselves and helping ourselves. Once we have an area to focus on and we have set it to be real and changeable we need to begin to set some steps or patterns to begin to change. If it is stress then how do we remove some of the stress? How do we get to an ideal weight that is healthy and good for our own self-esteem (Loosing weight for someone else is not helping you it is forcing you to meet someone else's thoughts or expectations, which never works out in a positive manor). What can we do to become healthier in 2015? Stop procrastination, which is where I struggle? These are some examples of do-able changes and there are many more. Now lets use weight loss as an example. Many will set an ideal weight they want and expect to get there rapidly. It took a long period of time with bad choices to get you where you are and it will take many long steps to get you to the goal you want to reach. Let's say you want to loose 100 lbs which I chose for simple calculations. In order to maintain over all health and strength it has to be done slowly. You should seek the advice and council of your medical specialist before beginning any diet or exercise routine as there maybe hidden dangers to you that might need to be considered and only a medical professional can guide you in this. A realistic, healthy, and doable goal is 2 pounds per month. At 2 pounds per month, it will take you quite some time but your health will not only maintain but improve, your self-image will improve, the treatment you get from others will improve so it is a win/win choice. Once you have chosen an area to work on, changes have to be made. In weight loss you can't keep eating the same foods at the same capacity and expect change. Smaller amounts, healthier choices, limitations on certain foods high in sugars and calories, less fried foods will not only help loose wight but cut back on cholesterol for another health benefit! Diet alone will not help, it will only set you up or failure, as it happens time and time again. Now it is time to increase activity to increase the matabolism in your body, it not only helps increase the food process it also improves heart function & greater energy to do more and experience more. t the end of 20015 you will weigh less, be healthier, look better and feel better so this has many great benefits and increasing the odds you will feel better at the end of the year. It is better to reward yourself from time to time by going off diet for a meal once in a while. It will re-energize your enthusiasm, it will also trick your metabolism. You can use these basic steps to work in other area's of your life and expect change. What if your goal was to loose 24 lbs for the year and you only lost 10. It was a success because you made a change for a better you. Continued In Next Installment!