Sunday, January 4, 2015

Fresh Start II

This is part 2 of Fresh Starts for 2015 and as we look back we were using weight loss as a model for to analyze, plan, and implement steps to make changes in your life. Weight loss was used as one area of change as many people start January off as a month to loose weight. This is due to the guilt of binge eating for the holidays and the weight put on from the beginning of Thanksgiving to the close of New Years and all parties and get together's in between. Financial changes are another area of interest and for many it is of necessity. 1) Is your current job meeting your needs to live daily? Come up with an amount that will pay your bills, set aside some savings for emergencies, vacation fund, and retirement in addition to your normal day to day expenses. 2) Now that you have come up with a monetary amount is your current job or career meeting your needs? If the answer is no, as with most people you need to decide whether you need to seek a promotion in your current job, a new job in the career you are presently employed, or thirdly a change in careers. In the first and last set of choices listed one big factor is your skills level. Do you need more education and certification in order to be able to re-market yourself to the job market or employer. To further your education use to have several hurdles to overcome that have been eliminated or reduced. If you are considering a career change you need to do some study. Let's look at a career change as an example. Let's say you work in the food industry as a cook in a burger restaurant. No future, limited income or advancement. First thing to look for is what are your hobbies or interest's? Maybe you have an interest in the medical field and you enjoy helping people. Begin to look up jobs available within the medical field to get an idea if your needs we had gathered were able to be met within the medical industry. After some study you decide for example that a billing and coding tech is something that sparks some interest. Coming from cook to clerk is a stretch and the skills needed are lacking. Now it seems you will need some training to be be considered as a candidate for a job in this field. With computers and the internet the methods of training are almost limitless. Some college's offer classes at certain locations while some universities offer partial studies by computer or all training can be done online. There are many universities as well as many prices along with financial aid. The point in all this is you don't have to leave your current job, interrupt your current home situation, or make major sacrifices in order to increase your skills and knowledge. Once you complete the training you can market yourself and move towards the life you want and not the one you have. The two examples of weight loss and career change have been given in order for you to see that none of us are stuck in society and have to accept where we are at. We can look where we are and then set forth a plan to begin to change the life we current are living. Many times it helps to get the advice of a mentor, friend, loved one, or life coach to help us see the total picture and help us move forward in our journey. Fresh eye's bring fresh visions. Answers don't always come quickly, as sometimes it takes time, discussion, fact gathering, self assessment and reflection in order to come up with the right answer to make change. I offer the services of a life coach/counselor to help people with their problems. As a coach/counselor I assist you in seeking answers to the questions that arise in making change. It's not a quick fix solution as we work together. By asking questions and offering a different perspective to the situation at hand we will set forth the steps needed to help you make the steps for change. is the site that I currently use to work with clients. The first session is absolutely free and will help to decide if this is of interest to you. This is only an offer of one way in which you can get help in the situation you are in. There are many people and many ways to get help but I would encourage you to get someone to help you look at the overall situation you are in. When we look only by ourselves we can not see all of the situation as we are biased and limited in our view of things. Just remember that you don't have to accept things as that is just the way it is, change it as you deserve it! Looking to make money go to and take advantage of this!

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