Thursday, April 2, 2015

Tis The Season

   File:Fall Line Farms, cooperative, co-op, Richmond, VA. - Flickr - USDAgov.jpg

As warm weather comes in to our lives we begins to see a change in our thought and our energy levels.  This has been a long cold winter for many of us.  While others had to live through record amounts of snowfall.  It is a time of restoration in which nature goes dormant or hibernation. Even though this is been natural to us, we have felt we have outgrown the practice.  We adapt and compensate accordingly  as we need to keep being productive.

Now that warm weather is upon us, the idea of changing to become more productive is appealing. Old idea bringing new habits and lessons.  I would like to introduce a new way of living.  It's innovative and habit changing.  It will bring forth increased productivity while increasing the longevity of all involved in this process.

I wish I could take credit for this, but I can not.  The practice is as old as civilization itself.  The lessons to be modeled and learned are from nature.  Actually it is most learned for our benefit from the garden.
             Here are the steps as listed
                   Step 1  Planning  we need to decide what we want to harvest, how much do we want for size, and when it needs to be planted in order to coordinate for the harvest as we don't want all to come on all at once.
                   Step 2  Preparation Just as the soil must be prepared, we must also.  Have we learned  new skill, set forth manageable goals.  If we fail to plan and prepare for this seasons activity, then all we shall harvest will be an accident.  Good or bad, limited or over abundance.
                    Step 3  Planting  After the preparations have been made, the sowing forth the seeds are now placed with care.  Here all are planning and preparation are coming to a dramatic culmination in the garden. What have you planted in your life for this year?  A new job or career?  A new home or maybe even a big leap in  a new neighborhood or new city?
                    Step 4  Caring & Tending  is the time we have to keep the weeds and other intruders out of our crops.  In our thoughts and dreams we dream stealers and eternal doom sayers  Doing everything to make us give up or quit the changes and improvements we are trying to put in our lives.
                     Step 5 Pre-Harvest is the early rewards or fruits we might get now as we continue to care for our projects.  Its not really time for them but they are welcome rewards and reminders we receive along the way so we can see why we are doing this.
                      Step 6 The Harvest is what we receive for our efforts.  All our planning, preparation, planting of the seed, the caring for and protecting our efforts and now the rewards.  All was made possible and successful due to each of the steps we had taken.  Shortening or skipping any of these steps could have lessened or destroyed the crops of our efforts so we could not have enjoyed our fruits of our labors.
                       Step 7  Hibernation and Restoration - You have now gone full circle, Take this time to relax and enjoy.  Allow yourself to re-energize and re-freshen so when the time comes you can move on to bigger and better crops for the next harvest!

Tip- If You Need a Get Away check this out go

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tired of Always Broke?

Never Enough Money
Are You Tired Of Always Being Broke?
Are you sick and tired of always being broke?  Never having any money?  Having to save money for bills so you cut back on food?
The American Dream! 
What happened to the American Dream?  We were an industrialized Nation that led the world in economic status and control.  You had a good job, good benefits, good health insurance, 401 K retirement, profit sharing, and bonuses.  You could go to school and know in time you could live the life you wanted and be rewarded form your employer for your efforts.
Socialization and Death Of The American Way
Some in power decided it was not fair for us to be in control of the world economics and have an unfair advantage over other countries.  Redistribution became the way.  Lets take from the rich and give to the poor.  Corporations had to face so many taxes it became economically sound to move companies to other countries, giving them opportunities of improvement while killing off the industrial base here in America.
Promises For Better Way Of Life
No longer an industrial nation we have been switched to a service based industry.  Our jobs and economy are now based on serving others.  The product is now an intangible product based on customer satisfaction and cost of goods sold (or profit there of).
You Are Now Your Employer!
With service now the king, security is gone.  You are forced to market yourself to the employers to do the best job of all the candidates at the lowest possible cost.  When your benefit package and cost of living raises become burdensome you will be replace by younger, cheaper labor.
American Pride
What Is A Full Time Employee?
With the cost of healthcare rising and restrictions placed on the employer, the 40 hour per week employee is following the life of the dinosaur.  EXTINCT  as now the part time 30 hour per week employee is becoming the normal employment position.
In order to have the benefits of the full time employee for the part time worker they will have to get a second job now working 60 hours instead of 40 and have to bear the burden of over inflated cost of healthcare (while actual service has tremendously decreased).
The Only Option?
No this is not the only option as you can become self employed and control your own destiny.  Most foreign citizens still come to America in pursuit of a better way of life.  You have that same chance and opportunity so why waste it?
What Is Out There?
For one option is for you to own an internet business.  There are many choices, interests, styles and formats and you get the options of making your own choices.  Do some research and study all the facts and figures for yourself.  Stop letting someone else take from you and decide your future for you.  Go to

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Financial Struggles

In this economy we all find ourselves dealing with some kind of financial struggle. For some it is a mild inconvenience but for most of us it is a major problem.  The biggest cause of marital struggles and division can be traced to economic struggles.

No matter the situation, there has to come a time when a decision has to be made in order to change your status of living.  Either your expense of living is lower than your income by cutbacks or a need for increased income has to be considered.

First, remember you are where you are, by the choices you made.  Even if you didn't plan on having to get married, have kids or what ever.  That indecision was still a decision to not take responsibility was still a decision.  Your actions are based on decisions.

The point of this is to show we all have done things, made decisions that have not gone right.  My comments aren't  about how we got where we are.  They are to offer help to those who are seeking some help.

I am writing this as a way you can search for some ways to make money online from home.  is the link to this website.  You will find that this is very informative and has several options to choose from.

We all have struggles.  We all have to face them.  We can defeat them.  We didn't get where we are over night and we won't get out of over night but starting now you can do something to start change

Monday, January 26, 2015

How To Act When You Meet Your Ex

How to Deal with Seeing Your Ex Unexpectedly You got the wind knocked out of your sails with the breakup. You had a few rough days, weeks, maybe even months. But, you finally started getting back out there in the real world. You're hitting the town with your friends. You're working out at the gym. And you're trying like mad to at least look like you're getting on with your life - no matter how much you want her back. You're doing good. You're looking good. Girls are starting to smile and flirt with you. You're Superman. Then BAM! Out of the blue, she walks into the room and it feels like you've been hit in the gut with a kryptonite fist.
Your mouth gets dry. Your palms get sweaty. Your tongue suddenly feels like it weighs a thousand pounds and you're caught between a sudden overwhelming urge to flee and a simultaneous but equally powerful urge to beg her to take you back. What do you do? You say something about how it's great to see her and make a hasty retreat. It's only after you're out of her presence that you begin to think of all the things you could have, should have, or would have said if you'd been able to think clearly at the time. Then you engage in a fantasy replay of how things would have shaken out if you'd just been able to speak. But, wouldn't it be nice if you could think of these things ahead of time and have a good idea of what to say to her when the moment arrives? Believe me it would! Especially if you're interested in getting her back. Stop getting sucker punched by her presence. Take back the power and let her see you in a new light. You can control the conversation and how it plays out as long as you plan ahead for when that moment comes. I'm not talking about arranging an "accidental" meeting. That's not the right idea in this situation. But, you do want to have a plan for what you'll say to her when your paths do cross so that you don't look like you're either avoiding her, running away from her, or angry with her for the breakup. Time heals a lot of old wounds. You might be surprised to discover that she's probably just as nervous about the encounter as you are - even though she's the one who broke up with you. So what should you say? 1) Keep it short. 2) Keep it light. 3) Avoid bringing up the past - leave that to her. Keep these things in mind. Write a script for yourself. Memorize the script. Practice it in the mirror. Do whatever you have to do so that it's second nature and the next time your paths cross you'll be ready. Will give you all the information you need in dealing with relationships. Get it and keep from making mistakes as we have all been desperate for someone at one time or another!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Are You Suffering From Depression

Are You Suffering From Depression? Depression affects more of us than most people ever realize. This is the peak season for it as many call it the winter blues. It is nothing to be ashamed of. It affects almost all of us at one time or another. Most snap out of it rather quickly and go on with our lives. For some, once it comes on never get out of it. . This is an article that I think you will find of great importance to help if you are battling depreesion. It affects our sleep, our appetite, our energy levels, and our ability to interact with other people. If you think you are suffering depression, seek a medical professional for help. While it is not deadly on onset, over time it will shorten your life span by taking a toll on your health in many ways. Loss of appetite causes one to enter into improper dieting which controls the body in many way's. Physical exhaustion enters in even though you and those around you think you are sleeping more than you should. The sleep never enters into the rem state. This is where the body restores itself mentally and physically. If the mind and body can not heal itself the degeneration begins to enter into the equation of you and your daily life. Unclear mindset is another side effect. You never think clearly, digest mental input properly, and short and long term memory becomes affected. You can't remember menial tasks such as why you entered into a room. Most all of us can think to mild episodes we have experienced but to the depressed person this becomes overwhelming. They go around as if there is a huge weight on them. They have no energy or drive. No interest in previous hobbies, passions, or routines. One change that seems to go unexplained is the sudden body clock waking the day is a struggle to get through. The next body adjustment seems to happen around 2:00 pm as there is a chemical release that begins to reverse some of the effects. People who suffer depression many times will try to sleep until the afternoon to avoid some of the fear and anxiety. Left unchecked it can lead to many other diseases and medical problems! While these are not definite actual times for most, they are guidelines. Some don't function well until late afternoon or evening. Others are better to get up early and nap when they get too exhausted. If you suspect you are suffering in depression then please go get help now. If treated it can be controlled and your life can return to normal. Left untreated and undiagnosed will lead to further decline in your health, your lifestyle, and the quality of life with others. Depression is a medical condition, not a choice!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Negative Input

A relationship that has 10 or more negative comments per day from 1 spouse is 5 times more likely to fail. Think about that, That is a little more than 1 complaint every 2 hours. There are some relationships that have 10 per hour and we wonder why there are so many divorces? Why are there so many negative comments? What is the reason behind all of these negatives? Can a person change or do they want to change? Let's see some of causes, but due to size restraints and time this is only a brief overview. A relationship is a contractual agreement between 2 parties mostly by the act of committing to one another. When ever someone has failed in their part of the relationship a vast array of emotions begin to arise. Some of those are anger, pain, heartache, jealousy, rage, revenge and a host of others emotions. Some people begin to sift through these feelings and many are subdued and forgotten. For others the battle has just begun as they find certain feelings and latch on to them. They are not forgotten and erased. Some will put these on the shelf of their mind to bring out and use at a later time, while others go into immediate attack mode. They are hurt and feeling belittled and now want to lash out. Sometimes people feel better by putting down or inflicting pain on those around them. Some times we feel bigger and stronger when we put others down that are around us. The need for dominance and control are factors that are within us as we need the feeling of being in control. What ever the driving force behind these reactions it is an attempt to cover, hide, or repair damaging conflicts within us. There is a fine line between love and hate when dealing with those who are close to us. Early on in a relationship we are very understanding and forgiving to those we are committing to. Somewhere along the journey, we change our standards and expectations. Now the rules of engagement have changed and our partners are not aware of this and many times neither are we. We feel we are totally normal and wonder how could someone change so much? In reality 50% of the change exhibited in the relationship is in our thoughts, feelings, and expectations. Soon it appears that either that person changes or else. We make it a project to change what is considered unacceptable and this is brought on by our negative thoughts, deeds, actions, and verbal assault. This is like trying to kill a fly with a hammer, you may get the task completed but how much damage is inflicted in the process? Once the verbal assault has been engaged the partner will address that in two ways. The first will be internal, how does it make them feel and how do they perceive you. The second area is external, in which, how do they react towards you. Is it conflict or withdraw? 9 negatives or less a day and the relationship can overcome but 10 or above seems to be a line that changes relationships. It is something that happens in a relationship without us knowing don't understand why. We know things have changed but we only see our partners fault in this situation. We need to seek the fault in both parties and communication must be engaged immediately. There is no true single fault here as both parties are guilty by either engagement or lack of engagement. Unless change is implemented, the end result will be the death of the relationship. It may last due to commitment, but the joy and life of the relationship will be dead. is where my main blog is and you can learn much more there. To get information to help you go to htt:// and start receiving tips and advice to help you in your relationship success!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Man's Game

Football, a man's game in which a group of men gather on a field to relish in a testosterone moment to exhibit their physical attributes. We the fans, love to share and bond with those on the field. It might be as a pure fan or it may be the chance to relish our glory days of you as we live out our fantasy with those on the field. Sometimes, all the statistics and talent control the outcome and other times the underdog rises up and defeat's their foe by sheer determination and heart. It is game that is learned and played in our youth. You can go by home's, playgrounds, fields and see many a youth gathered in a game or practicing with a ball to increase their skills. It is a big deal in many a school, with some it is everything. How many Friday nights in high schools across America do people gather together to play, witness, and be a part of this fall activity. How many a man sits in the stands watching proudly as their son takes part in this activity. Thinking that their progeny lives on through their child on the field. They want to believe a part of them lives on through the son. Through the eye's of the fellow student, those who excel in the exploits on the field rise to stardom status among the student body. It can become a way of the future as some will secure their future education. Despite the risk's of injury, despite the risk of failure and despite the risk of rejection, it is the pursuit of this dream that drives them on. Few excel enough to move on to the next level. Those who do experience even greater expectations but also greater rewards in the college level. Dreams appear to be one step closer to being in the big time, the NFL. Though this is a subject of itself, my focus is to be on the fan. While high school support is basically based on geographical decisions of where you live or where you grew up, at the college level it begins to change. Why people choose certain college's over another one is a choice with little rhyme or reason. Tradition of winning is a choice of many, the school mascot, family attendance, family loyalty. Sometimes rebellion and disrespect will cause rivalry as gives a chance for rooting against another's choice. There are as many choices of why we watch as there are players on the field. How many holidays are celebrated with friends and family gathered around the tv? Many will flock to a venue such as a local bar or pub to be part of the larger gathering of fellow minded and opposing minded people to relish the excitement of being a part of something if only in mind and spirit. Then there is the loyal fan who braves the elements to be there. No matter how pleasant or adverse the conditions you see them in the stands. The one who amuses me is the one who will go shirtless in -20 degree temperatures with snow and ice adorning him in his spectacle. While toughness and testosterone may abound, common sense just stampeded off in the other direction. Tailgating has become as big an event at the college and professional level as many gather early or stay late as a chance to bond and celebrate as unity in the sport. How many fans were let down on Sunday, such as the Cowboy's fans who were robbed of their glory by a review of a play causing a change of the decision. The Bronco's were favored by the facts. They were led by their beloved Peyton Manning. Many a Colt's fan even felt a sense of loyalty to rooting for Peyton after the Colts had let him go due to age and history of injuries. Despite the facts, Andrew Luck and the Colts came out and played the game they wanted, against all the expert opinions not to, and came away with an exciting win. Many are up today as they rejoice while others are down by the agony of defeat. Most of us had no part in the win or the loss yet it will affect us this week for those who participated on or off the field by the emotional responses to the outcome of this game. Many a woman also enjoys watching also and I am not meaning to belittle their experience as many are very devout fans, but I can relate to men and in this age where it is not always good to be a man, I say let men be men on the field and in life!